Wednesday, July 15, 2009

learning photography..

this weekend, we -me and dina- go to braga street to took a pictures..yeah..we decided to learning's fun because we and thousand people in there seems have a same purpose..learning i didn't feel shame..
errr..maybe little..haha..

actually, i'm not sure bout my shoot cause i've little trouble with small stuff bout photography like speed, iso, diagfragma, etc,etc, but i think it's not bad..dont you?..^_^

err, i really like this pict, so i got little trick on it..

picture that i've edited..dont you think it's same?..haha..


hananinanina said...

woooowwwww magic...nice capture!!!!but, I think that will be a great picture if I were your model, right.????hahahaha

ririe_ganma said...

ih nanan gak penting ih..ihhhh...